Autorità e media americani nel pallone per la pista sulle origini del coronavirus che porta al super laboratorio di Fort Detrick nel Maryland.

La Casa Bianca punta i suoi strali sulla Cina, colpevole di aver ribaltato il tavolo delle accuse, fino a quel momento tutto incentrato su Wuhan.

La CNN grida al complotto anti Usa e cerca di gettare i sospetti – udite udite – su un “oscuro tabloid italiano” (“an obscure italian tabloid”), reo, a suo parere, di aver sostenuto che la via dell’infezione è passata attraverso un “programma di donazione del sangue” e “le caserme americane presenti in Italia”.

Propaganda concertata”, commenta l’autorevole (sic) super tivvù a stelle e strisce, ascesa il secolo scorso ai vertici dell’informazione globale con le sue mitiche cronache sull’invasione americana in Iraq. E oggi ridotta a prender lucciole per lanterne.

Il “plot”, ossia il complotto, e la “propaganda concertata” con la Cina, infatti, vedono come protagonista nientemeno che la ‘Voce’. Una testata alla luce del sole, quello di Napoli, dove c’è la sua redazione. Niente di oscuro, quindi. Nulla di misterioso.

Sorge a questo punto spontanea la domanda: ma i celebri servizi segreti statunitensi, la famigerata CIA, che ci stanno a fare? Se non sono nemmeno in grado di ‘leggere’ e ‘capire’ quel corre nel web, e scoprire – come riesce a fare anche un bimbo alle prime imprese via internet – quale sia la vera fonte, la ‘source’ delle notizie su Fort Detrick?

Ma di tutta evidenza ai vertici politici americani, e agli scodinzolanti media, sta a cuore buttare tutto in caciara, e cercare in tutti i modi di buttare montagne di fango sulla Cina, per delegittimarla sotto il profilo politico mondiale: con il marchio di fuoco (e unico, doc) sull’origine del mortale Covid-19.

Riavvolgiamo il nastro e ricostruiamo le ultime fasi del giallo. A questo punto sempre più da ‘intrigo internazionale’.



Tutto parte, come abbiamo raccontato in un precedente reportage, dalla nostra prima inchiesta sulla pista di Fort Detrick, come causa iniziale della tragica pandemia.

L’inchiesta è del 7 luglio.

Ralph Baric

Le notizie, man mano, con il passare dei giorni, si allargano a macchia d’olio. Vengono riprese dai siti di mezzo mondo, e ovviamente rimbalzano a più non posso nel web cinese. E proprio in Cina parte una mega petizione, in grado di raccogliere in breve circa 200 mila firme: con questa petizione viene ufficialmente chiesto all’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS) di aprire un’inchiesta sul laboratorio super segreto di Fort Detrick, nel Maryland. In seconda battuta si chiede di puntare i riflettori anche sui tanti laboratori di ricerche statunitensi (circa 200) sparsi in tante nazioni (soprattutto quelle dell’ex impero sovietico) e di dare anche un’occhiata a quanto si svolge nei laboratori del ‘College of North Carolina’ (UNC) a Chapel Hill, guidati da un grosso esperto di coronavirus statunitense, Ralph Baric.

Peter Daszak

Quanto basta (e avanza) per far imbestialire gli americani. I quali negli ultimi mesi, ossia dallo sbarco di Joe Biden alla Casa Bianca, hanno cercato in tutti i modi di sbattere il mostro – la Cina – sulle prime pagine di tutti i media mondiali: ecco l’untore, il colpevole dell’apocalisse che stiamo vivendo.

Ed è così che, con sempre maggior vigore, l’establishment Usa, accompagnato dalla grancassa dei media allineati e coperti, si sono fatti in quattro per chiedere una nuova missione, organizzata dall’OMS, per scoprire i misfatti di Wuhan. Certi che qualcosa, prima o poi, sarebbe saltato fuori, dopo il fallimentare esito della prima missione, quella di gennaio 2020, in cui non era stato trovato niente di niente.

Tutto ciò anche a rischio di ‘scoprire’ il gioco: ossia che una cospicua parte dei fondi per finanziare le famigerate ricerche del laboratorio di Wuhan erano arrivate proprio dagli Stati Uniti! Grazie al super Istituto – il NIAD – diretto a vita dal numero uno dei virologi a stelle e strisce, Anthony Fauci, e tramite una società di comodo, la ‘EcoHealth Alliance’, guidata da un altro ricercatore ‘border line’, Peter Daszak, guarda caso il componente americano della ‘sfortunata’ – of course! – prima missione dell’OMS a Wuhan.

E dunque. Proprio mentre gli americani sono impegnati nel massimo sforzo per puntare – e far puntare dall’OMS – i riflettori su Wuhan, ecco che a sparigliare le carte e tutti i giochi in corso arriva la pista di Fort Detrick. Una pista che col passare dei giorni e il galoppare delle notizie via web si fa sempre più concreta: e quei primi venticelli, un po’ alla volta, si trasformano in una tempesta, poi in un vero e proprio tsunami.

Come abbiamo già spiegato sia nella prima inchiesta sulla pista di Fort Detrick, che nel secondo reportage sulle riprese internazionali della notizia, una pista – quella di Wuhan – non esclude l’altra, puntata su Fort Detrick. Per una semplice questione temporale: il virus ‘americano’ scoppia a luglio 2019, quello cinese pochi mesi dopo, fine anno.

Nel pieno rispetto, quindi, della par condicio e soprattutto nella verifica fattuale che le ‘biologic wars’, ossia le guerre biologiche, si stanno combattendo da un capo all’altro del mondo senza esclusione di colpi. Pronte a delineare lo scenario prossimo venturo: guerre biologiche a tutto campo, scenari distopici che si fanno sempre più tragicamente concreti.

Veniamo agli ultimi fatti.

E soprattutto alle invettive dei media a stelle e strisce non solo contro le autorità cinesi: ma anche contro chi fa informazione in Italia.



Ecco cosa scrive ‘GYC MEDIA’ il 5 agosto.

“L’emittente statale cinese CCTV ha mandato in onda un servizio di 30 minuti questa settimana intitolato ‘La storia oscura interna di Fort Detrick’. Su Weibo, il modello di Twitter strettamente censurato dalla Cina, martedì mattina un hashtag associato al rapporto è stato l’argomento di maggior tendenza. Da allora è stato considerato 420 milioni di occasioni. Sui social media, alcune autorità e resoconti dei media statali hanno promosso l’ennesimo principio infondato di un oscuro tabloid italiano, che sosteneva che l’esercito degli Stati Uniti avesse portato il coronavirus all’Italia attraverso un programma di donazione di sangue. ‘Dannata prova! Il coronavirus è entrato in Europa da Fort Detrick attraverso un programma di donazione di sangue militare degli Stati Uniti’, si legge nel titolo di una storia molto letta pubblicata dalla Lega della Gioventù Comunista, il dipartimento giovanile della celebrazione comunista al potere in Cina. La spinta propagandistica concertata ha ulteriormente alimentato la furia nazionalista in opposizione agli Stati Uniti. Alcuni utenti del web in lingua cinese hanno accusato gli Stati Uniti di essere ‘svergognati’”.

La storia “molto letta pubblicata dalla Gioventù Comunista” è proprio quella raccontata dalla Voce!



Passiamo ad un altro sito, ‘New 7 Trend’, che il 6 agosto titola un reportage: “Le teorie del complotto sull’origine del coronavirus diventano più oscure: ora la Cina pensa che il virus provenga da laboratorio statunitense nel Maryland”. Potete leggere l’intero articolo linkando in basso.

Ecco uno stralcio: “I media statunitensi affermano che i diplomatici e i media di lingua cinese hanno intensificato la retorica nelle ultime settimane. La CNN ha riferito che l’emittente statale in lingua cinese CCTV ha recentemente mandato in onda un servizio di 30 minuti su Fort Detrick e che si è trasformato in uno sviluppo principale su Weibo, un’utilità simile a Twitter censurata in Cina”.

Così prosegue il report, ed eccoci al clou: “Sui social media, alcune autorità e resoconti dei media statali hanno promosso l’ennesimo principio infondato di un oscuro tabloid italiano, che sosteneva che la marina americana avrebbe portato il coronavirus all’Italia attraverso un programma di donazione di sangue”, ha affermato il rapporto della CNNche ha indicato come è una ‘propaganda concertata’”.

Le frasi della CNN sono state, a loro volta, riprese da decine e decine di siti e hanno galoppato sul web.

Effettuando semplici verifiche e incroci via internet, è agevole rendersi conto che la fonte non è per niente misteriosa, né tanto meno oscura, come pomposamente suona la grancassa (stonata) della CNN, al servizio dei padroni del vapore, ossia i vertici della Casa Bianca.

E’ infatti assai agevole riscontrate che la ‘source’, la fonte è proprio l’inchiesta della Vocesu Fort Detrick.

Volete la prova del 9? Andando sul sito della Voce e cercando, nel nostro archivio, l’inchiesta del 7 luglio, la potete rileggere (ve la riproponiamo in basso): ma in aggiunta troverete una serie di ‘riprese’ da una sfilza di siti, ben 26 fino a qualche giorno fa: in termine tecnico si definiscono ‘pingback’, quasi a trattarsi di un ping pong informatico (e informativo).

Segno che la Voce viaggia sul web con buona lena e a 360 gradi.

Eccoci all’ultima novità.



E’ ‘Radio Cina Internazionale’ a dare largo spazio a quanto viene sostenuto da un analista politico britannico, Keith Lamb, laureato ad Oxford con un master in studi cinesi. Lamb ha appena firmato un articolo (datato 1°agosto) in cui punta i riflettori sugli Stati Uniti e il famigerato super laboratorio di Fort Detrick. L’articolo è stato ripreso dall’ottimo sito di controinformazione ‘l’AntiDiplomatico’ e lo potete leggere linkando in basso.

Keith Lamb

Ecco qualche passaggio saliente: “I risultati di uno studio scientifico pubblicato nel novembre 2020 suggeriscono che il coronavirus si stava diffondendo in Italia mesi prima che fosse rilevato a Wuhan”.

Lamb parla di uno studio finanziato dall’Associazione italiana per la ricerca sul cancro (AIRC) e dal Ministero della Salute. La Voce, nella sua inchiesta, ha invece fatto riferimento ad uno studio dell’Università Statale di Milano (in collaborazione con altri atenei, come quello di Pisa), sotto il coordinamento della Regione Lombardia. Comunque sia, entrambi gli studi (quelli di cui parla Lamb e quelli indicati dalla Voce) giungono alla medesima conclusione: le prime tracce del coronavirus risalgono a settembre 2019 (per la precisione il 3 settembre), e quindi parecchi mesi prima rispetto alle date ufficiali, che parlano di dicembre per Wuhan, con i primi casi veneto-lombardi a gennaio 2020. C’è, quindi, uno sfasamento di almeno 3-4 mesi!

Continua Lamb, lungo la pista delle caserme americane acquartierate in Veneto: “Per coincidenza, il nord Italia ospita un gruppo di tre basi militari statunitensi. La Caserma Ederle Army Base a Vicenza si trova nel cuore della Regione Veneto, al confine con la Lombardia, e la base aerea di Aviano a cavallo con il confine con il Veneto. La base militare di Camp Darby a Tirrenia si trova a nord della Toscana e a sud della Lombardia”.

La Voce, nel suo reportage, ha invece fatto riferimento alle tre caserme a stelle e strisce tutte nel Veneto, tra cui la ‘Del Din’, al centro del messaggio mail arrivato alla redazione della Voce che ha dato il via alla nostra inchiesta.

Prosegue il ricercatore: “Avere un gruppo di basi militari statunitensi nel cuore dell’epicentro italiano Covid-19 aggiunge più carburante al fuoco delle affermazioni di Fort Detrick, nel Maryland, che ospita la Bio-Defence Agency. Nel luglio 2019 uno dei più importanti laboratori di alta sicurezza all’interno della Base è stato chiuso, a causa di violazioni della sicurezza. Nello stesso periodo, ci sono state numerose segnalazioni di persone morte per una malattia respiratoria non identificata vicino alla Base. A settembre i rapporti degli Stati Uniti descrivevano la ‘misteriosa malattia polmonare’ come legata allo svapo”. E ancora, tanto per riannodare i fili tra Wuhan e Fort Detrick – via Italia – e, quindi, non disgiungere le due piste, sottolinea Lamb: “Sia Wuhan che l’Italia settentrionale hanno un forte legame con le forze armate statunitensi. Nel caso di Wuhan, è stato l’ospite dei Giochi militari del 2019. Ciò significava che quasi 300 membri dell’esercito americano hanno partecipato ai Giochi e quindi è possibile che la ‘malattia da svapo’ si sia diffusa in questo modo”.

E conclude: “Gli Stati Uniti hanno una storia di giochi di prestigio, insabbiamenti e dirottamento dello sguardo dei suoi cittadini su ‘malfattori’ stranieri. Il ‘virus cinese’, alla luce della controversia su Fort Detrick, potrebbe ancora rivelarsi un altro errore di direzione imperiale”.

A presto con i prossimi sviluppi.









L’inchiesta su Fort Detrick del 7 luglio 2021 e i 26 pingback










Coronavirus origin conspiracy theories turn murkier; now China thinks virus came ftom US lab in Maryland

Over the previous weeks, Chinese language officers and media have harped on the idea that Fort Detrick, a US navy facility in Maryland that conducts analysis on infectious illnesses, may very well be concerned
Wuhan Institute of Virology, Wuhan, China. Wikimedia Commons
Chinese language officers and press have begun trumpeting what sections of the Western media name an “outlandish conspiracy principle” linking the origins of the coronavirus illness (Covid-19) to a US navy lab in Maryland.
China’s concentrating on of the US over the origins of the illness that has killed over 4.2 million folks globally comes at a time when Beijing is dealing with powerful questions over a attainable leak of the virus from a lab in Wuhan, the Chinese language metropolis the place the viral an infection was first reported in December 2019.
Over the previous weeks, Chinese language officers and media have harped on the idea that the US navy may very well be linked to the outbreak, in what seems to be a determined try to vary — or at the very least dent — the narrative demanding transparency on Beijing’s half and an in depth probe into the Wuhan lab.
A latest report by Republican lawmakers within the US says there’s proof that the virus leaked from the Wuhan analysis facility, the place scientists have been working to change coronavirus es to contaminate people. US investigators haven’t validated the findings.
China has denied any wrongdoing or cover-up however pushed again towards what many have referred to as the second part of the probe into the Wuhan lab. The primary part didn’t discover any proof corroborating the lab leak principle after a World Well being Group (WHO) crew visited the Wuhan facility earlier this yr.
It’s on this backdrop that China’s principle casting suspicion on the US started showing regularly in state-run media.
The Chinese language reviews selling this principle name for a global probe into Fort Detrick, a US navy facility in Maryland that conducts analysis on infectious illnesses, and say the lab was quickly shut in 2019 after a regulatory inspection. The justification that infrastructure points and wastewater decontamination prompted the closure isn’t persuasive sufficient, the idea concludes.
“On the origins-tracing work, the Chinese language International Ministry lately mentioned the US ought to begin with 4 issues, together with publishing and analyzing the info of its early circumstances, inviting WHO specialists to research Fort Detrick and its 200-plus Biolabs abroad, inviting WHO specialists to research the College of North Carolina and launch the info in regards to the sickened American navy athletes who attended the world navy video games in Wuhan,” a report in state-run Global Times mentioned.
The report sought to argue that the laboratory on the College of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill, “led by the famend US coronavirus knowledgeable Ralph Baric, is changing into, along with the notorious Fort Detrick lab, the main focus of public suspicion within the seek for the origins of the virus”.
In one other article, Global Times mentioned there was a risk “that a number of the sufferers of the mysterious vaping-related lung illness that swept by means of all the 50 US states in 2019 have been truly COVID-19 sufferers”. It cited a gaggle of Chinese language scientists and radiologists, who apparently reviewed “some 250 chest CT scans from revealed papers”.
The US media says although such a principle has been floating round since March, Chinese language diplomats and media have ratcheted up the rhetoric over the previous few weeks.
CNN reported that Chinese language state broadcaster CCTV lately aired a 30-minute report on Fort Detrick and that it turned a prime development on Weibo, a censored Twitter-like utility in China.
“On social media, some authorities and state media accounts promoted yet one more groundless principle from an obscure Italian tabloid, which alleged the US navy had unfold the coronavirus to Italy by means of a blood donation program,” mentioned the CNN report that referred to as it a “concerted propaganda”.
The origin of the COVID-19 pandemic has been a matter of intense debate with claims that the Sars-Cov-2 virus was leaked (by accident or in any other case) from the Wuhan lab. Within the preliminary days of the pandemic, this suspicion was discarded by a big part of scientists as a conspiracy principle. On the similar time, it was suspected the virus unfold from a seafood market in Wuhan that offered unique animals, however there had been no proof to verify this.
A bit of scientists believes that the virus outbreak may very well be linked to bats and might need handed by means of one other mammal earlier than leaping on to people. However the lacking hyperlink has but to be established.
Therefore, calls for have grown within the West for a probe into the lab leak principle. China, which is dealing with criticism over its secretive strategy, has accused the US of spreading disinformation and politicising the matter. US President Joe Biden has tasked his intelligence officers with probing the matter.
A joint report by Chinese language scientists and WHO, which despatched a crew to Wuhan, didn’t draw any agency conclusion on the origins of Sars-Cov-2, although the specialists mentioned the probabilities of the virus leaking from a lab was “extraordinarily unlikely”. However later, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus mentioned all theories remained on the desk. China has rejected WHO’s plans for the second part of a probe.
“One huge excellent query is what sort of labor was truly happening within the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Shi Zhengli, the highest bat coronavirus researcher on the lab, mentioned in a March 2020 article in Scientific American that the genetic code of the virus that causes COVID-19 doesn’t match any of her lab’s samples. She additionally advised the WHO crew that each one workers had examined unfavourable for COVID-19 antibodies,” mentioned a Bloomberg article.
However nonetheless, the article added, researchers didn’t get entry to all ” Coronavirus isolates and genomic sequence information held at Wuhan labs” in addition to logbooks and data.
A Wall Street Journal report that three researchers from Wuhan lab acquired sick in November 2019 and sought hospital care, and media reviews that China has restricted entry to a copper mine from the place scientists collected coronavirus samples after six miners fell in poor health (three of them died) in 2012 have added to the thriller.

* * *


China doubles down on baseless ‘US origins’ Covid conspiracy as Delta outbreak worsens


However over the previous week, Beijing has doubled down on the conspiracy, mobilizing its diplomats and huge propaganda equipment to name for a World Well being Group (WHO) investigation into the US Military Medical Analysis Institute of Infectious Ailments at Fort Detrick, Maryland.

In late Could, US President Joe Biden ordered American intelligence businesses to redouble efforts to look into how the coronavirus originated, together with the likelihood it emerged from a lab accident.

The intelligence neighborhood was required to report again to Biden in 90 days. Since then, no smoking gun has emerged to help the lab leak principle, and lots of scientists proceed to imagine the virus is extra more likely to have jumped naturally from animals to people. For now, senior intelligence officials say they’re genuinely cut up between the 2 theories.

Beijing has emphatically rejected the thought the coronavirus might have been leaked from a lab in Wuhan, alleging that Washington is making an attempt to politicize its origins. And but on the identical time, it’s also aggressively pushing a counter-lab leak conspiracy principle with none scientific proof.

Final month, the state-run International Occasions began a marketing campaign calling for folks to sign an open letter to WHO demanding an investigation into the Fort Detrick lab. The letter — which solely requires a single click on on-line to “signal” — has since gathered 25 million “signatures.”

At a news conference final week, Chinese language International Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian referred to as for WHO to research each the Fort Detrick lab and a laboratory on the College of North Carolina, helmed by main US coronavirus knowledgeable Ralph Baric.

Zhao additionally steered American army athletes who attended the World Army Video games in Wuhan in October 2019 might have introduced the coronavirus into China — reiterating a baseless declare he made on Twitter in March 2020.

China’s state broadcaster CCTV, in the meantime, aired a 30-minute report this week titled the “darkish inside story of Fort Detrick.” On Weibo, China’s closely censored model of Twitter, a hashtag associated to the report was the highest trending subject on Tuesday morning. It has since been considered 420 million occasions.

On social media, some authorities and state mediaaccounts promoted yet one more groundless principle from an obscure Italian tabloid, which alleged the US army had unfold the coronavirus to Italy by way of a blood donation program. “Damning proof! The coronavirus entered Europe from Fort Detrick through a US military blood donation program,” learn the headline of a widely read story posted by the Communist Youth League, the youth department of China’s ruling Communist Celebration.

The concerted propaganda push has additional fanned nationalist fury in opposition to the US. Some Chinese language web customers have accused the US of being “shameless,” whereas growing numbers have taken to referring to Covid because the “US virus” — a dig on the time period “China virus” repeatedly utilized by former US President Donald Trump, who lashed out at Beijing as his administration struggled to include surging circumstances and deaths in America.

Beijing’s renewed deal with Fort Detrick comes amid the speedy unfold of the extremely contagious Delta variant throughout China. Since July 20, the spiraling outbreak — the worst in additional than a 12 months — has contaminated greater than 500 folks in dozens of cities, putting hundreds of thousands of residents beneath lockdowns and triggering mass journey restrictions.

The Delta outbreak is posing a serious problem to China’s a lot heralded “zero-tolerence” strategy towards infections, and a few distinguished Chinese language public well being specialists have steered the nation will ultimately want to modify to a brand new technique and study to coexist with the coronavirus.

However that’s unlikely to be a simple shift. In China, public tolerance towards infections — even when gentle — is extraordinarily low, and concern of the virus nonetheless runs excessive. That’s partly as a result of China has been so profitable in maintaining Covid-19 at bay, but additionally a results of months of unrelenting state media protection highlighting the devastation of rampaging infections in Western nations.

Since China contained its preliminary outbreak, Beijing has repeated blamed native flare-ups on the import of coronavirus from overseas, both by way of air passengers, frozen meals or different items. The supply of the newest outbreak, as an example, has been linked to a flight from Russia.

And with the heightened deal with Fort Detrick, the conspiracy principle has simply offered one other goal for many who wish to play the blame recreation.

US-China friendship on the Olympics


Between the commerce conflict, army tensions and coronavirus finger-pointing, it has been a tough few years for US-China relations.

However the Tokyo Olympics has allowed athletes from each nations to display what their governments have not for years: friendship.

On Tuesday, Chinese language gymnasts Guan Chenchen and Tang Xijing received gold and silver respectively within the girls’s stability beam ultimate, whereas US gymnastics star Simone Biles claimed bronze. Each Chinese language gymnasts are first-time Olympic medalists.

The win was notably important for Guan because the 16-year-old identifies Biles as her hero, in line with her biography on the Games’ website.

After the outcomes had been introduced, a beaming Biles embraced Guan. Her US teammate and all-around Olympic champion Sunisa Lee, who had loudly cheered on Guan throughout her routine, additionally hugged Guan. Afterward, Lee posted on Instagram that she was “so proud” of Guan, and retweeted a video of Guan’s dismount from the beam, captioned, “I really like her (a lot).”

The enthusiastic celebration and the heat exchanged between the groups — so not often seen now as US-China relations and public sentiment bitter — rapidly went viral on-line.

“We really feel the identical! That is what it means,” tweeted the official Chinese language Olympic Committee, together with a coronary heart emoji and a photograph exhibiting the celebration between the 4 athletes.

Even the nationalist Chinese language tabloid Global Times chipped in, saying in an article Lee’s “honest and joyous response touched viewers around the globe.”

And plenty of on the Chinese language social media platform Weibo praised Biles and Lee for his or her sportsmanship, arguing the sort of camaraderie they shared with Guan and Tang embodies the true spirit of the Olympics.

“Regardless of the place you might be from, what race you belong to, what beliefs you’ve got, folks in worldwide society ought to unite collectively, making human life higher,” stated one Weibo consumer, in line with state media. “I see that hope on the Olympic Video games. These athletes give us a superb instance.”

Chinese language regulators eye unruly on-line followers and popular culture exhibits as their subsequent crackdown targets

Chinese language web and media regulators are pledging to come down hard on “unhealthy” online fan groups as supporters of pop star Kris Wu took to social media to vehemently defend him against allegations of rape.

The Central Fee for Self-discipline Inspection — the ruling Chinese language Communist Celebration’s disciplinary watchdog — stated Thursday that the Our on-line world Administration of China, the web regulator, has shut down 1,300 fan teams, disabled 4,000 on-line accounts, and eliminated greater than 150,000 “poisonous” remarks in a current crackdown in opposition to “unhealthy” celeb fan tradition.

“The chaos in celeb fan golf equipment, uncovered by the ‘Kris Wu’ incident, displays that unhealthy fan tradition has reached a vital second that should be corrected,” the company stated, including that “fan membership” tradition is “loopy” and “devil-possessed.”

“We should minimize off the black hand of the capital — and curb the wild development of the leisure business, ” the company stated.

China’s Nationwide Radio and Tv Administration — the nation’s high media regulator — has added to the scrutiny on celeb media tradition, saying earlier this week that it might spend a month clamping down on celeb selection exhibits that it accused of cultivating “star worship.”

Wu, one of China’s biggest pop stars, was detained earlier this month by Beijing police. Authorities stated the 30-year-old artist has been accused of “repeatedly seducing younger girls into having intercourse,” including the case remains to be beneath investigation.

CNN reached out to Wu’s representatives earlier this week, however didn’t obtain a response. He denied the allegations on his private Weibo account final month, and his firm on the time introduced it was pursuing authorized motion in opposition to a lady who accused him of assault, calling the accusations “malicious rumors.”

His as soon as wildly well-liked social media accounts — together with a Weibo account with greater than 51 million followers — have been taken down. Louis Vuitton, Bulgari and different main luxurious manufacturers additionally minimize ties with him final month because the allegations surfaced.

The incident triggered a social media firestorm in China. Many on social media voiced help or expressed because of a lady who, posting final month beneath the verified deal with “Du Meizhu,” alleged she was sexually assaulted by Wu when she was 17.

However lots of Wu’s followers additionally got here to his protection. The disciplinary company held up a number of examples of what it described as excessive motion from followers, together with calls to fundraise for Wu’s authorized proceedings or break him out of detention.

Thursday’s assertion added to rising scrutiny on the media and on-line fandoms, and it displays the federal government’s longstanding, aggressive need to manage fan teams and the leisure business. Beijing has lengthy been cautious of the rise of celeb worship tradition and has made clear that celebrities need to be inoffensive in public to remain of their good graces.

Weibo stated Monday that it had eliminated or banned practically 1,500 accounts relating to “inappropriate remarks” in regards to the Wu incident.


* * *



Northern Italy, coronavirus, and U.S. military bases: Just a coincidence?

Keith Lamb

Editor’s note: Keith Lamb is a University of Oxford graduate with an MSc degree in Contemporary Chinese Studies. His primary research interests are China’s international relations and “socialism with Chinese characteristics.” The article reflects the author’s opinions and not necessarily the views of CGTN.
The results from a scientific study released in November 2020 suggest that the coronavirus was spreading in Italy months before it was detected in Wuhan. A peer-reviewed study, funded by the Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC) and the Italian Ministry of Health, checked blood samples taken from cancer patients, as early as September 2019 and found that more than one in ten of the sample had coronavirus antibodies.
As such, the results strongly suggest that coronavirus was spreading in Italy, months before September 2019. Indeed because of the rapid spread of the virus, in Italy, it was surmised that the coronavirus had to have been spreading, in an asymptomatic form well before any infected travelers from China arrived in Italy.
The distribution of blood samples with positive screening was found primarily in northern Italy. Of course, it was the Lombardy region and the Veneto region that first experienced lockdowns. However, the first detected cases of the coronavirus, from Chinese travelers, were found, in January, in Rome.
Thus, if the virus came from China one would imagine that central Italy would be the first to be locked down. In addition, the first Italian laboratory-confirmed case of COVID-19 was on February 20, 2020, in a person with no history of possible contact with positive cases in Italy or abroad.
Coincidently, northern Italy hosts a cluster of three U.S. military bases. Caserma Ederle Army Base in Vicenza is in the heart of the Veneto Region, which borders Lombardy, and Aviano Air Base straddles the Veneto border. Camp Darby Army Base in Tirrenia is north of Tuscany to the south of Lombardy.
Having a cluster of U.S. military bases in the heart of the Italian COVID-19 epicenter adds more fuel to the fire of the Fort Detrick claims. Fort Detrick, in Maryland, is home to the Bio-Defense Agency. In July 2019 one of the most prominent high-security labs inside the base was shut down, due to safety violations.
Around the same time, there were numerous reports of people dying from an unidentified respiratory illness near the base. By September reports from the U.S. described the “mysterious lung illness” as being tied to vaping.
However, how can they be sure it is from vaping? In fact, all the news reports confirm that they really didn’t know what was going on. The inference, then, is that vaping deaths were used as a cover for the coronavirus and COVID-19, or as a way to give an explanation to something doctors didn’t understand.
The scientific study in Italy was carried out because the sheer volume of cases meant the coronavirus had to be in Italy long before it was detected in Wuhan. The U.S., of course, also has had enormous numbers of coronavirus infections. This might also lead one to question whether the virus was also circulating in the U.S. before the first identified case on January 19, 2020.

A map showing the location of U.S. military bases and COVID-19 cases distribution in northern Italy.
The answer is yes. Research published in Clinical Infectious Diseases in June 2021 shows that, just as in Italy, archived blood samples which were collected from the American Red Cross, from 13 December 2019 to 17 January 2020, had anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.
If the coronavirus did originally come from a U.S. military base, how is it that it was first detected in Wuhan and now scientific evidence points to coronavirus being in Italy before Wuhan? Firstly, China due to its experience with SARS is hyper-sensitive to infectious diseases being spread. This means China’s detection efficiency, just like its COVID-19 response, is likely to be higher than elsewhere.
However, both Wuhan and northern Italy have a strong link to the U.S. military. In Wuhan’s case, it was the host of the 2019 Military Games. This meant nearly 300 members of the U.S. military attended the games and thus it is possible that the “vaping illness” was spread this way.
The “American Prospect” reports that flights took U.S. athletes to Wuhan via Seattle, Washington, which was one of the earliest states to show a spike in coronavirus. Furthermore, numerous athletes who participated in the games reported coronavirus symptoms after attending the games. The same report concludes that U.S. military bases had high coronavirus incidences.
In terms of the outbreak in Europe starting in northern Italy, it seems too coincidental that it is at the location of a cluster of U.S. military bases. There would have been extensive travel to and from various other bases. For our purposes, we need to know what contact these bases had with personnel that had been in Fort Detrick and the events at Fort Detrick need more investigation.
Certainly, we can’t jump to conclusions but at the very least we must keep an open mind. This is especially the case considering the U.S. has a history of sleight of hand, cover-ups, and misdirecting its citizens’ gaze onto foreign “wrongdoers.” The “China-virus,” in light of the Fort Detrick controversy, may yet prove to be another piece of imperial misdirecting.


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Scientific evidence suggests COVID-19 conspiracy outside China

By Keith Lamb  


Editor’s note: Keith Lamb is a University of Oxford graduate with an MSc degree in Contemporary Chinese Studies. His primary research interests are China’s international relations and “socialism with Chinese characteristics.” The article reflects the author’s opinions and not necessarily the views of CGTN.

Those who espouse conspiracies are usually dismissed as tin foil hat-wearing lunatics. That is unless it’s something to do with China. In that case, even the most outrageous claims can be considered.

I was “fortunate” enough to witness the Western media’s depiction of China’s “hell-scape” on the ground, as COVID-19 broke out in the early months of 2020. I witnessed a unity of action, swift organization and overall goodwill which contrasted with the chaos I witnessed in the early days of tackling COVID-19 in the UK.

This stark difference, between reality and reporting, has always made me skeptical of Western reporting on COVID-19, fed by various political actors, who have dogmatically attempted to pin the blame for COVID-19 on China.

When it comes to COVID-19, even the very heights of our global governing system, so we are told, are no longer fit for purpose. For example, the WHO, which didn’t step in line with the anti-China narrative, had to be “infiltrated by Chinese influence.”

When it comes to China and COVID-19, we’ve been asked to believe all types of smears. As COVID-19 spread around China, we were told that the Chinese were dirty and feasted on all sorts of strange creatures, hence COVID-19 started there. Then when Western governments, who had plenty of forewarning, handled the COVID-19 crisis considerably worse, the original schadenfreude narrative of China’s suffering under COVID-19 soon turned into a lab leak theory underpinned by narratives of Chinese technological incompetence.

No doubt, with people locked indoors there was a lot of time for active imaginations. However, as much as I endorse an active imagination, it’s nice for it to be supported by hard science. For example, just recently the Western press has reported on the retesting of blood samples from Italian cancer patients that, according to Western press reports, COVID-19 was maybe circulating in Italy as early as October 2019.

Alas, even science can’t be reported accurately. The scientific report, in fact, shows that COVID-19 was at the very least spreading in Italy before September 2019. Blood samples that were collected starting September 2019 show that these cancer patients already had the anti-bodies for COVID-19. Antibodies for COVID-19 take a week or two to build up so we can surmise that the virus was spreading in August too.

Secondly, just because there is no data before September, it doesn’t mean COVID-19 wasn’t spreading much earlier. Of the 959 samples, it was detected that 111 had SARS-CoV-2 RBD-specific antibodies. Over a 10th of the sample cannot simply get COVID-19, in a blink of an eye, it had to have been spreading months before.

Indeed, this is precisely what the paper suggests. The reason this research was taken was because the spread of COVID-19 in Italy did not fit in with Washington’s “China virus” conspiratorial narrative. Italy’s first two cases of COVID-19 were recorded on January 30, 2020, when two Chinese tourists tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 in Rome.

However, the first Italian laboratory-confirmed case was on February 20, 2020 – a male with no history of possible contacts with positive cases in Italy or abroad. Furthermore, the rapid spread of COVID-19, leading to large-scale hospitalization, suggested that “COVID-19 in a less symptomatic form had been in Italy for several months previously.” As such, it is likely that COVID-19 did not start in China.

Of course, funding of this scientific paper titled “Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the pre-pandemic period in Italy,” which was published in SAGE journals and peer reviewed, might turn up untoward bias. Perhaps, just as the reports on Xinjiang “atrocities” are funded directly by Washington, this report might be directly funded by Beijing? The answer to that is a resounding no. The study is funded by the Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC) and the Italian Ministry of Health.

Consequently, the important question is, why is this information only coming out in the Western press now? It’s not because the research has only just been released. This evidence was presented to the world in November 2020. I know because I reported on it the same month it was released.

The truth is, this news did not fit the anti-China narrative disseminated by the corporate media, and deep state interests, who desperately refuse to report China in a positive light. I would guess this is why even now reports do not delve into the full ramifications of the evidence which show that COVID-19 was more than likely present in Italy months before it was discovered in China.






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