La Cina capeggia la classifica speciale dei nuovi arci miliardari nell’anno del Covid, secondo le stime di ‘Hurun Global Rich List’, un vero termometro sui Paperoni di tutto il mondo.

Nel 2020, infatti, in Cina è stato toccato e superato il tetto dei mille arcimiliardari, per la precisone 1.058.

Stando alle previsioni di ‘Summit News’, nonostante la pandemia, il paese non si è fermato, ma addirittura ha invertito il trend e finito il 2020 addirittura con un PIL in crescita dell’1,8 per cento.

E molto meglio andrà quest’anno, con una previsione di aumento pari all’8 per cento. Ottime performance anche nel 2022, quando il prodotto interno lordo crescerà del 4,9 per cento.

Gli Stati Uniti, invece, nel 2020 hanno perso 3,7 punti percentuali, recuperando e tornando in positivo quest’anno e anche il prossimo, rispettivamente con aumenti del 3,2 per cento e del 3,5 per cento.

Tornando ai super ricchi stimati da ‘Hurun’, ecco i numeri totali. Ci sono 1.058 arcimiliardari in Cina; 696 negli Stati Uniti; 177 in India, mentre Germania, Gran Bretagna e Svizzera oltrepassano quota 100 ciascuna.

Per rendere l’idea, l’aumento globale fatto segnare da tutti i Paperoni mondiali ammonta al PIL totale annuo della Germania.

Passiamo ai vip internazionali. In cima al tetto del mondo ora si colloca Elon Musk, a bordo della sua Tesla e ovviamente non solo: il suo patrimonio sfiora i 200 miliardi di dollari e l’incremento fatto segnare nel solo 2020 è da record dei record, con uno stratosferico + 328 per cento.

Segue in classifica il re di Amazon, Jeff Bezos, che totalizza 189 miliardi di dollari e fa registrare un aumento nel 2020 pari al 35 per cento.

A distanza segue il re della moda francese con la griffe Luis Vuitton, Bernard Arnault, il cui patrimonio è calcolato in 114 miliardi di dollari (l’incremento nel 2020 è minimo, + 7 per cento).

Deve accontentarsi della quarta posizione il fondatore di Microsoft, Bill Gates, che si è dato anima e corpo – in via sempre tanto umanitaria – sul fronte dei vaccini e del cambiamento climatico: da 110 miliardi di dollari il suo patrimonio e un aumento del solo 4 per cento nell’anno della pandemia.

Completa la cinquina Marc Zuckerberg in sella a Facebook: supera d’un soffio quota 100, attestandosi per la precisione a 101 miliardi di dollari, e fa segnare un buon incremento nel 2020, con un + 20 per cento.





Top Ten – Hurun Global Rich List 2021

3 new faces in the Top 10: Elon Musk, Zhong Shanshan, and Bertrand Puech. The Top 10 added US$169bn over the year and are now worth US$1.1 trillion or 7.5% of the total list. 6 are from the USA, 2 from France and 2 from the emerging economies of China and India. The Top 10 grew their wealth over 50% on average.


Rank Name Wealth US$bn Change YOY Main Company Age Country of residence
1* Elon Musk 197 328% Tesla 49 USA
2↓ Jeff Bezos 189 35% Amazon 57 USA
3↓ Bernard Arnault 114 7% LVMH 71 France
4↓ Bill Gates 110 4% Microsoft 65 USA
5- Mark Zuckerberg 101 20% Facebook 36 USA
6↓ Warren Buffet 91 -11% Berkshire Hathaway 90 USA
7* Zhong Shanshan 85 New YST 67 China
8↑ Mukesh Ambani 83 24% Reliance 63 India
9- Steve Ballmer 80 19% Microsoft 64 USA
9* Bertrand Puech & family 80 45% Hermes 84 France

Source: Hurun Research Institute 2021

↑ Rank increase yoy ↓ Rank decrease yoy – No Rank change yoy * New to Top 10


Elon Musk, 49, has become the world’s richest person, adding US$151bn over the last year, which works out at just under a billion dollars every two days, to take him to US$197bn. The bulk of his wealth is from his 21% share of Tesla, which is worth just under US$800bn. SpaceX, in which Musk has a 52% share, added US$13bn in value in the past year, after becoming the first private company to put people into orbit, an achievement previously claimed by just three global superpowers. Musk has not been far from the headlines all year, most recently last month, when he announced a US$1.5bn investment from Tesla into bitcoin. Other projects that have gained attention include the Boring Company which has been digging tunnels to operate high-speed rail service around the Las Vegas Convention Center and Neuralink, which aims to create a working brain to machine interface. Curiously, in 2013, Musk almost sold Tesla to Google for US$11bn.

Jeff Bezos, 57, is second with US$189bn, up from US$49bn. Bezos and Musk now make up the ‘Big Two’ in the world, alternating for the title of the richest person, and competing in the field of space exploration. In the past year, Bezos committed US$10bn to combat climate change and bought an estate in Beverly Hills, California, for US$165mn.  Ex-wife MacKenzie Scott, 50, was also up US$17bn to US$61bn to maintain a Top 25 place.


‘Luxury King’ Bernard Arnault, 71, of LVMH dropped down to one place to third with US$114bn. At the outset of the outbreak, Arnault was down US$25bn but has since bounced back to end the year with 7% more than last year. The biggest news for Arnault this year was the successful takeover of US luxury brand Tiffany for US$16bn in December, with his son Alexandre Arnault taking a senior leadership position there.


Bill Gates, 65, was fourth with US$110bn, up 4%. Gates made the headlines in March last year after resigning as a director of Microsoft, to focus on his philanthropy. Gates has become the largest farmland owner in the USA with holdings of 242,000 acres of land. The Gates Foundation donated US$250mn towards Covid relief.


Mark Zuckerberg, 36, who became a billionaire at the age of 23, broke through the US$100bn mark for the first time to keep a Top 5 place with his wealth up 20%. Facebook today has 2.8 billion registered users, up 12%, despite facing growing anti-trust headwinds from the US government.  Zuckerberg continued to make headlines this past year, first for changing the privacy policy of WhatsApp that allows Facebook to share its extensive data and second with the decision to block news content in Australia.


Warren Buffett, 90, of Berkshire Hathaway, hung on to a Top 10 spot, with US$91bn, despite losing US$11bn last year, more than any other billionaire on the list. Berkshire Hathaway’s most substantial investments are in Apple and Bank of America, totalling over US$90bn, and in the past year bought Dominion Energy Natural Gas assets in a US$10bn deal.

‘Bottled Water King’ Zhong Shanshan, 67, took the world by surprise, when he became the first Chinese to break into the Hurun Global Rich List Top 10 with a personal fortune of US$85bn on the back of bottled water Nongfu Spring’s Hong Kong IPO last September. Hangzhou-based Zhong, who overtook Mukesh Ambani to become the richest Asian, also listed a vaccine business he founded, which today has a market cap of over US$10bn, making him one of only a handful of entrepreneurs in the world today to found more than one US$10bn business.

Mumbai-based Mukesh Ambani, 63, saw his wealth up 24% to US$83bn, on the back of a surge in the value of energy and telecom giant Reliance. India’s largest exporter, Reliance accounts for 8% of the country’s exports and 5% of India’s total revenues from customs and excise duty. Reliance is planning a calculated shift to renewable energy and has decided to venture into the battery-making business ahead of the electric vehicle boom.


Steve Ballmer, 64, kept a Top 10 place with a 19% increase in his wealth to US$80bn, on the back of Microsoft’s share price surge. The owner of NBA team Los Angeles Clippers, Ballmer has donated US$2bn towards helping lift Americans out of poverty.


Bertrand Puech & family, 84, of French luxury giant Hermes, broke into the Top 10 for the first time, after a 45% increase in his wealth to US$80bn. The fifth-generation descendant of founder Thierry Hermès, Puech and family own 67% of Hermès.




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